Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Role Reversal?

When I picked up our eldest from 4-H after school, she was very upset because she had gotten into some trouble at school. It is not major trouble, but trouble nonetheless. (One good thing about a perfectionist firstborn is that she is a lot harder on herself usually than we are/have to be. Plus, on this occasion, the teacher's punishment is appropriate.) So she promptly spills her guts and sheds some tears. The tempest has finally calmed down more or less when she says for the umpteenth time, "I am so stupid!" (Typical teen, right?)

After a pause, from the backseat, the nine-year-old says, "Well, someone's got to be the mom here. First of all, you're not stupid!" I have no idea what the second point was because I was trying so hard not to laugh and drive the car right off the road!

After I apologized for not doing my duty, I reassured the girls (again) that no one was stupid; just sometimes we make dumb or bad choices. The important thing is to learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat them. New mistakes, however, are another story...

Someone's got to be the mom here!


Traveling Bells said...

And that role never ends. Period. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Give Miss A big hug from Grammie:)

Debora Quigley said...

I'll let her come over here and be the mom. I get tired of it dsometimes. Also, I am not the "fun" parent. IT stinks, but the place would come unglued without me. I keep telling myself that